Fantom Genesis Files Repository

Here you can find list of genesis files needed to start a new Fantom network node. If you are not sure what these files are used for, please continue to the Fantom Foundation website to get information about the Sonic, Opera, and running a Fantom Network node in general.

Sonic Genesis Files - Public Main Net

You need one of these to start Fantom Sonic node.

The default Sonic mode is --mode rpc which informs the node to build the state history. Use --mode validator flag for genesis expansion and also for the Sonic node startup to enable live pruning.

$ wget
$ wget
$ md5sum --check mainnet-283890-validator.g.md5

$ GOMEMLIMIT=28GiB sonictool --datadir ~/.sonic --cache 16000 genesis mainnet-283890-validator.g
$ GOMEMLIMIT=28GiB sonicd --datadir ~/.sonic --cache 16000

Download Links Starting Point Options Included File Size
Genesis File Checksum Epoch Block Blocks History Archive State Root Check
mainnet-5577-archive.g MD5 5,577 4,564,025 Yes Yes 6582f0 … 6bba2c 1.1 GB
mainnet-279701-archive.g MD5 279,701 80,292,672 Yes Yes afd0e5 … 10520e 302 GB
mainnet-279701-validator.g MD5 279,701 80,292,672 Yes Pruned afd0e5 … 10520e 182 GB
mainnet-282500-archive.g MD5 282,500 81,074,437 Yes Yes 06500f … 1ca46e 305 GB
mainnet-282500-validator.g MD5 282,500 81,074,437 Yes Pruned 06500f … 1ca46e 184 GB
mainnet-283890-validator.g MD5 283,890 81,509,228 Pruned Pruned 3c7a45 … a5867c 38.4 GB
mainnet-285300-archive.g MD5 285,300 81,990,247 Yes Yes f60cd4 … 38652f 308 GB
mainnet-285300-validator.g MD5 285,300 81,990,247 Pruned Pruned f60cd4 … 38652f 38.6 GB
mainnet-286540-validator.g MD5 286,540 82,423,910 Pruned Pruned d20a48 … 4849a1 38.7 GB
mainnet-288000-archive.g MD5 288,000 82,920,599 Yes Yes a7183e … 1b7b6d 310 GB
mainnet-288000-validator.g MD5 288,000 82,920,599 Pruned Pruned a7183e … 1b7b6d 38.7 GB

Opera Genesis Files - Public Main Net

You need one of these to start Fantom Opera node.

Please refer to the documentation on Run Read-Only Node or Run Validator Node for the details.

$ wget
$ wget
$ md5sum --check mainnet-109331-pruned-mpt.g.md5

$ opera --datadir ~/.opera --cache 16000 --db.preset ldb-1 --genesis mainnet-109331-pruned-mpt.g

Download Links Starting Point Options Included File Size
Genesis File Checksum Epoch Block Full Sync Snap Sync Blocks History Starting EVM History
mainnet-5577-pruned-mpt.g MD5 5,577 4,564,025 Yes No Full Pruned (one block) 1.1 GB
mainnet-5577-full-mpt.g MD5 5,577 4,564,025 Yes No Full Full 30.4 GB
mainnet-109331-no-history.g MD5 109,331 37,676,547 No Yes 37,676,547+ No 16.3 KB
mainnet-109331-no-mpt.g MD5 109,331 37,676,547 No Yes Full No 58.3 GB
mainnet-109331-pruned-mpt.g MD5 109,331 37,676,547 Yes Yes Full Pruned (one block) 78.1 GB
mainnet-109331-full-mpt.g MD5 109,331 37,676,547 Yes Yes Full Full 3.1 TB

Opera Genesis Files - Public Test Net

Download Links Starting Point Options Included File Size
Genesis File Checksum Epoch Block Full Sync Snap Sync Blocks History Starting EVM History
testnet-2458-pruned-mpt.g MD5 2,458 479,326 Yes No Full Pruned (one block) 81.5 MB
testnet-2458-full-mpt.g MD5 2,458 479,326 Yes No Full Full 977.7 MB
testnet-6226-no-history.g MD5 6,226 7,650,765 No Yes 7,650,765+ No 1.7 KB
testnet-6226-no-mpt.g MD5 6,226 7,650,765 No Yes Full No 2.0 GB
testnet-6226-pruned-mpt.g MD5 6,226 7,650,765 Yes Yes Full Pruned (one block) 3.2 GB
testnet-6226-full-mpt.g MD5 6,226 7,650,765 Yes Yes Full Full 76.5 GB

Lachesis Consensus Events

Consensus events produced by the network validators can be imported directly into the client. This allows you to progress your node state through the network history faster. The events are still being verified and checked against the network validator signatures.

$ wget
$ wget
$ md5sum --check

$ GOMEMLIMIT=28GiB sonictool --datadir ~/.sonic --cache 16000 import events

Type Download Links Epochs Range File Size
Events File Checksum From To
Main Net mainnet-events-5577.gz MD5 1 5,577 30 GB MD5 5,577 109,331 132.2 GB MD5 109,332 171,201 76.8 GB MD5 171,202 220,300 102 GB MD5 220,301 279,700 119.7 GB MD5 279,701 281,000 2.4 GB MD5 281,001 283,799 6 GB MD5 283,800 285,130 3.1 GB MD5 285,130 287,300 5.3 GB
Test Net testnet-events-2458.gz MD5 1 2,458 323 MB